Thursday, May 12, 2005

The after-effects of "After-Effects"

After several months of planning, organization, and several weeks of intense work, the documentary, AFTEREFFECTS has been completed and screened for the producers of the film, EFFECTS, which is obviously the subject of my documentary.

I have never had a project this size before, nothing even close. With 11 interviews totaling nearly 5 hours along with movie clips, photos, etc, this was beyond anything I had ever approached before. It was maddening, challenging, frustrating, and at times I felt like I was banging my head against a brick wall that I could find a way to scale. But then if I just took a break and came back to it, I would discover that the wall had a door in it the whole time that I just wasn't ready to see yet.

The final hours of editing on this one were among the most insane of my life. I had had little or no sleep for the last 4 or 5 days of this week. I would nap, edit, eat, edit, edit, edit, eat, nap, not nap, edit...etc. But at last on Tuesday morning...the final pieces came together and what I had hoped would be enough for a 35-40 minute documentary ended up being enough for an entire hour. I could have made it longer with little effort, but this is the running time that works the best.

In a state that I can only describe as sheer exhaustion, I managed to dub off a few copies on VHS and overnighted them to the producing/directing/editing team of EFFECTS comprised of John Harrison, Dusty Nelson, and Pasquale Buba. Most of my conversations concerning this documentary were with John, who had beyond helpful in my efforts to complete this documentary. I have had one conversation with Dusty Nelson, which was extremely pleasant, and up until yesterday I had never spoken with Pat Buba.

Yesterday brought some of the happiest news I can remember in a long while. Pat, and his wife Zilla, loved the doc, and I was treated to a wonderful conversation with Pat where he and I basically talked shop for a while. He treated me as a filmmaker, and not some wannabe halfwit who was flying by the seat of his pants on a project he wasn't exactly prepared for at times. I can only say that he was a class act in every sense and that his kind words about my work made my head swell to a rather obscene degree...but oh well... :)

Today, John Harrison told me that he, Dusty and Pat had watched the doc at Pat's house last night together, and that everyone was now in the "loved it" camp. Then just an hour ago, Pat's wife Zilla Clinton called me to offer her kind words and thanks, which was extremely kind of her. The people who came up from those glory days of filmmaking in Pittsburgh back in the late 60s to early 1980s are just about the classiest bunch of folks you could ever hope to meet. To say I'm proud to have done this story right is understating the matter. My only goal in this was to give the best representation possible of the time and place that EFFECTS was made, and I think I did OK. As long as those three gentleman are happy with it, then I'm happy.

I don't know what fortune has in store for me yet, but I can't help but feel blessed that John, Dusty and Pat, as well as my good friend Don May Jr. at Synapse Films took a chance on me with this film, and I'm glad I didn't let them down.

Now...onto the next project, which I should have more details on next week.

whew...whattttttttttta week!

Michael Felsher

Wednesday, May 4, 2005

And so the Shirt grew a size...

Hello to all out there in whateverland...

Red Shirt Pictures has taken the next big step in its evolution. Up until now it was a clever name to make me feel a little more important and a way to give myself a business identity of some sort.

Well now it is my business full time. What exactly does that entail? Well, at this point I can't say entirely but look for a full website update in the next week that will update all my crap and also give you a full look into what Red Shirt Pictures will be doing for the forseeable future.

But first, AFTER EFFECTS is due for completion. See the previous blog post for some info on this project. I have to have it done this week and I think I finally licked a crucial editing issue that had been plaguing me for the past two weeks. I'll elaborate on that more once I get the final cut off to the producers for review. It's a fascinating process, and I'm always learning more every day.

Just got back from assisting on a video interview with director George Romero in Toronto for the upcoming DVD release of two early films from his career, SEASON OF THE WITCH and THERE'S ALWAYS VANILLA. George is in the maelstrom right now with his new film LAND OF THE DEAD due to open in several weeks. Reshoots, editing, scoring, prepping for a Cannes Film Festival preview...hell I'm getting tired just writing all that. The fact that he took time out of his schedule, which has had him literally operating 24/7 for weeks now, is a testament to his dedication and overall coolness. The DVD is due to be released in October.

As I mentioned before, Red Shirt Pictures is now my full-time operation. I have been, for the last five years, a proud employee of Anchor Bay Entertainment, one of the leading independent DVD distributors out there for cult, horror and theatrical flicks. A few weeks ago, an opportunity to take the step to be on my own came up and I had to give it a shot. I'm 31 and I figured if I am gonna fall flat on my face, might as well do it now. I'm still working on projects for Anchor Bay as well as discussing opportunities with other companies as well, which is actually kind of exciting. None of this would have been possible without the support and experience I've received from everyone at Anchor keep buying the DVDs, even if its the 345th version of EVIL DEAD.'ll be worth it anyway!

Well that's enough for now...gotta busy day tomorrow. I will check in later in the week (for the two of you who are reading this blog...if that many.)

Take care!

Michael Felsher