Monday, June 26, 2006

"Saw" What?

Well I know what you must be thinking. A new blog post only mere days since the last one? Where's the months-long dead zone between posts?

Hopefully a thing of the past.

Fortunately I've got several projects worth of stories and experiences to unspool on these pages, and that should keep me going well into Autumn.

Then I'll just have to start making stuff up.

Anyway, aside from my lackadasial attitude on blog posting, there were other factors that contributed to my six month long absence here.

One such factor was the fact that I had to keep mum on the details and particulars of some of the projects I was working on. This made it very difficult to post updates, since I couldn't spill the beans on much of anything.

Now here it is, almost July, and I can finally spill some beans. Not all of the beans, but enough for a side serving anyway. Not a large side serving, more like a KFC size. And it's more like the smaller size, not the larger ones fit for 3 or 4 people. Y'know the ones that come in the styrofoam containers with the little red stripes on them?

What the hell was I talking about? Oh right...

Anyway, for all the details on these projects, I'll have to wait until August and September roll around, and then full disclosure will commence. But here's what I can tell ya...

Late last year I was hired by Dark Sky Films/MPI Media to create a longform documentary to accompany their upcoming DVD re-release of Tobe Hooper's THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE. This new Ultimate Edition 2 Disc Set features a brand-new Hi-Definition transfer of the film, an all-new 5.1 Surround Sound Mix and a bevy of exciting extra features including filmmaker David Gregory's acclaimed making-of documentary, THE SHOCKING TRUTH.

For more details on the specs and details on this release, go to the press release on Dark Sky Films' website by clicking here.

As for my documentary, which I entitled FLESH WOUNDS, I am not at liberty to disclose any deep details on it at this point. All I will say is that it was a cross-country effort involving trips to Texas, Maine, Ohio, and California and features a variety of people associated with the film.

My goal was to avoid covering the same ground as David Gregory's superb and rather definitive look at the making of the film. And I think it turned out great. Look for more details as September 26th grows closer.

Now the other big super-secret project that I worked on this year..well let's just say it didn't stray too far from what I was working on with Dark Sky.

On my way down to Austin, Texas back in early February where I was to begin production on FLESH WOUNDS, I received a call from a production manager at MGM who informed me that they were interested in hiring me to produce special features for an upcoming DVD re-release of. THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 2.

Needless to say that trip to Austin became a lot more chaotic than I had originally anticipated. Again I can't divulge any details at this point, but CHAINSAW 2's new DVD will be the one fans have been waiting for with all-new interviews, commentaries, and more to be announced officially soon. CHAINSAW 2 has been one of my favorite films for years, and it was a real honor and pleasure to work with the members of the cast & crew on this project. But alas..again more on that later...

So as you can imagine, I am officially CHAINSAW'd out. Not that I didn't have other projects to work on during this time including yet another project involving a film directed by Tobe Hooper.

But that's for next time. Until buzz buzz buzz whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!