Sunday, October 15, 2006

And now for the next chapter...

Hello all,

I am writing to you from the production offices of George A. Romero's DIARY OF THE DEAD up in beautiful Toronto, Ontario. Tomorrow brings the first day of shooting on the film, and I am here to document all the behind-the-scenes goings on that I can.

To say I'm happy to be here would be an understatement. If you read the previous blog entry, you can be assured that this was one of the two jobs I was waiting for news on back a few weeks ago. The other one? Well it has also come to pass, and more words on that one later!

It's been an interesting couple of weeks. Getting ready to spend a month up here was pretty stressful but now I'm settling in. And after six long months since I began work on it, THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 2: GRUESOME EDITION hit stores on October 10th. I sincerely hope you all have been enjoying it. It's nice to have my work out there for all to see...finally.

Coupled with the critical success of "Flesh Wounds" from the first CHAIN SAW disc from MPI that was just released, I feel pretty good right about now. Things are looking up.

I'll be posting some blog updates while I am up here working on DIARY, and look for some video clips of my time on the set to be posted on MySpace in the near future. I would give more details on that, but I have to keep quiet for now.

The zombies are about to invade Canada, and I'm glad to be right in the middle of it all.


1 comment:

princess liz said...